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22 Mei 2009

Tutorial for Warren County GIS Website

Once login for Real Estate Assessment Data is shown, click "Proceed" button.
1) Parcel Search is done using the maroon tool bar at top of website select "Parcel Search".
2) Type in the Tax Map number OR 12 digit Geographic Parcel Identification Number (GPIN) number OR Address and select "Search". A partial search can be done for more results by entering the Tax Map number without the Block and Lot or part of the Street name of the street or road that is being searched.
3) You will have a Results box appear on your monitor, if data was correctly entered your results will reflect the correct entry although the address may reflect the owners mailing address, look for the MMAP value in the table for correct selection.
4) In the Results box click the Zoom-To tool (Mini-Magnifying Glass with a + sign). This will allow you to zoom in on the selected parcel (highlighted in a transparent mauve, I didn't pick the color).
5) Minimize the Search and Results boxes to get them out of the way.
1) Zoning Determination: click the button next to zoning which is under "Major Boundaries" in the Layers Table of Contents.
2) Once done the map will change color to reflect the particular Zoning District of the parcel.
3) On the maroon toolbar select Legend to view the Zoning Districts color assignments, select Layers from toolbar to get back to Layers Table of Contents.
4) Note: In order to better view Zoning of parcel, unselect it by using the Toolbar in the middle and the tool Icon to the far right, (a rectangle with lines through it.)
1) Flood Zone determinations are made by selection of button next to Flood Zones under "Hydrologic Units" in the Layers Table of Contents.
2) Once done the map will change color to reflect the particular Flood Zones of the parcel. Zoom out if necessary by selecting the Zoom-Out Icon on the middle toolbar, (Magnifying glass with sign).
3) On the maroon toolbar select Legend to view the Flood Zones color assignments, select Layers from toolbar to get back to Layers Table of Contents.
i. Zone A equals "Areas of special flood hazard without water surface elevations determined."
ii. Zone AE equals "Areas of special flood hazard with water surface elevations determined."
iii. Zone X500 (B) equals "Areas within the 500 year floodplain and to areas of the 100-year flooding where average depths are less than 1 foot, no base flood elevations or depths are shown within this zone and areas of moderate flood hazards."
iv. Zone X (C) equals "Areas outside the 500 year flood plain and areas of minimal hazards."
1) "Identify" Icon on Toolbar; this button allows you to identify a parcel's information based on our Real Estate Database. It's located on the far left of the center toolbar and is denoted as the letter i with a circle around it.
2) Select the Identify Icon and mouse over the parcel you wish to identify and click on parcel. You will have an Identify box pop up with the Geographic Parcel Identification Number (GPIN).
3) Click on the GPIN and it will process your request then give you multiple fields of data in the right side of the Identify box. Scroll up and down using the scroll bar and there is your data. This box can also be expanded by clicking on the corner and dragging the corner to expand the box.
Virginia Base Map Imagery can be accessed by clicking the button next to VBMP Imagery under "Transportation" in the Layers Table of Contents. To get a better view of this data unselect the parcels layer under "Parcels" in the Layers Table of Contents by clicking its button. If imagery is pixilated zoom out to get a clearer view, when zooming out select icon from toolbar and draw a box on the map and note the bigger the zoom box the smaller the zoom and visa versa.

Ms Acces Tutorial

Microsoft Access adalah suatu aplikasi yang dapat membantu kita membuat sebuah aplikasi database dalam waktu yang relative singkat. Biasanya digunakan untuk pembuatan aplikasiaplikasi yang kecil. Misalnya program untuk kasir, penjualan, dll.
Microsoft Access 2007 adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk database yang mudah dan efektif. Keunggulan dan fasilitas pengolahan database, form, report, query tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Proses pengolahan database menjadi cepat, terintegrasi dalam satu kesatuan yang utuh (RDBMS). Tentu amat mudah dan menyenangkan menggunakan Microsoft Access 2007. Kita juga dapat membangun aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan macro ataupun pemrograman VBA (Visual Basic for Application).
Kata ini sering digunakan dalam Acess jadi kita harus pelajari agar kita menjadi tidak asing dengan kata ini.
Database adalah kumpulan informasi yang saling berkaitan object adalah sesuatu yang ada dalam database seperti tabel, query, form atau macro
Table pengelompokan dari hubungan data yang berhubungan dalam field dan arsip pada datasheet. Dengan menggunakan field umum dalam 2 tabel, data bisa dikombinasikan. Banyak tabel bisa disimpan dalam database tunggal.
Field adalah kolom dalam dataseheet dan artinya data hasil ketikan yang disimpan dalam bentuk tabel. . Untuk tabel mailing list table juga termasuk fileld untuk nama awal, nama akhir, alamat, kota, negara, kode pos dan nomor telepon
Record dalam baris dalam dan nilainya didefinisikan oleh field. dalam tabel mailing list, masing masing arsip akan berisi data untuk satu orang yang diatur oleh pembagian field.
Design View tool yang disediakan untuk membuat fields dalam tabel.
Datasheet View Mengijinkan anda untuk mengupdate, mengedit dan menghapus informasi dalam tabel..

Tujuan Pembuatan Project

Pembuatan project ini diharapkan bias membuat suatu aplikasi sederhana menggunakan Microsoft Accsess. Dengan menggunakan table dan query yang telah tersedia sebelumnya kemudian dibuat suatu formulir untuk melakukan input data kedalam table dan kemudian dibuat suatu format laporan sebagai output dari database yang telah dibuat.
Pada project database akan dikerjakan beberapa hal yaitu:
-Menggunakan file database yang telah tersedia
-Membuat formulir isian untuk table database
-Membuat batasan-batasan nilai data untuk field pada suatu formulir isian
-Membuat laporan berdasarkan table database
-Mengkalkulasi ringakasan-ringkasan field pada suatu laporan
-Mengubah formulir isian dan laporan

Dalam project ini kami akan menggunkana Microsoft Accsess 2007. Pada dasarnya terdapat banyak kesamaan antara Microsoft Accsess versi 2007 dengan versi sebelumnya yaitu versi 2003. Perbedaan terletak pada lay out dan tampilan jendela serta pengelompokan tool yang lebih simple dan mudah digunkan.
Terdapat beberapa bagian dalam Microsoft Access, yaitu:
-Table digunakan untuk menyimpan data -Query digunakan untuk memanipulasi data -Form digunakan untuk frontend aplikasi. Biasanya untuk menampilkan data, menambah
data, dll.
-Report digunakan untuk membuat laporan
-Macro digunakan untuk melakukan satu atau beberapa fungsi
-Switchboard digunakan sebagai tampilan muka

Dalam project ini kami membuat suatu aplikasi sederhana untuk aplikasi penjualan. Sebelumnya telah dibuat terlebih dahulu table barang, table customer, table header penjualan, table detail penjualan, dan beberapa query yang digunakan untuk pembuatan format dan report.
1. Membuat formulir isian
Form digunakan untuk merepresentasikan ke user atau menerima inputan dari user data-data dalam table/query dalam bentuk interface grid, tombol, dan lain-lain control windows.
Memasukan data kedalam table dapat dibantu dnegan menggunkan suatu formulir isian. Formulir isian table tidak hanya dapat digunakan untuk memasukan data tetapi dapat juga digunakan untuk menampilkan satu record yang ada dalam suatu table database.
a. Form barang
1. Setelah file aplikasi penjualan dibuka dan keluar jendela accsess, lalu kilk Create pada tool bar kemudian klik more form dan klik form wizard.

Pada jendela form wizard pilih sumber datanya dengan cara klik tanda panah kebawah pilih barang. Kemudian pilih field yang akan dimasukan kedalam form dengan cara klik tanda panah ke kanan.

Kemudian klik Next dan pilih columnar, klick Next biarkan sesuai default office, klik next kembali dan tulis judul form kemudian klik Finish. Hasilnya sebagai berikut:

Untuk memodifikasinya, klik Icon View dan pilih Design View.
1. 2. Pada mode design atur Form agar bias kita tambahkan control-control yang lain
2. 3. Tambahkan tombol untuk menambah data caranya pada controls klick Command Button lalu letakan pada Form akan muncul jendela Command Button Wizards, pada Categories pilih Record Operations, pada Actions pilih Add New Record. Klick Next pada Text ketih Tambah lalu klik Next, ketikan nama untuk command button ini ketik cmd_Tambah lalu klik Finish
3. 4. Menambahkan Tombol untuk menghapus data caranya. Pada toolbox klik Command Button lalu letakan pada Form akan muncul jendela Command Buttom Wizards, Pada Categories pilih Record Operations, pada Actions Pilih Delete Record. Klik Next pada Text ketik Hapus lalu klik Next, ketikan nama untuk command button ini ketik cmd_Hapus lalu klik Finish.
4. 5. Menambahkan Tombol untuk menyimpan data caranya. Pada toolbox klik Command Button lalu letakan pada Form akan muncul jendela Command Buttom Wizards, Pada Categories pilih Record Operations, pada Actions Pilih Save Record.

to be continued....

20 Mei 2009

Website Tutorial For Industry Members

Welcome to the new MECOP website. All of the same information from the old website has been transferred to the new website, along with many new and improved features. While we know the new organization of information will take a little getting used to, we believe it is a vast and needed improvement from the old website. Please take some time to get acquainted with the new site by looking up information as you normally would and exploring the new features. The help topics included in this tutorial are aimed to guide you through any questions you may have regarding the new features.
Logging in:
In the menu, go to Industry->Login or University->Login
Enter your email address and password. If you are not a board member, you may need to create a new account. This is covered in the next section. If you do not know your password, click the "forgot your password?" link under the login form and enter your email address. If the system cannot find you, please contact the MECOP office.
If you would like the system to remember you, you can check the "Keep me signed in unless I sign out" box. Cookies need to be enabled (they are by default in most browsers) for this feature to function properly.

Registering a non-Board Member:
Send the mentor to the member home page and have them click the "need to register for a non-board member account?" link.
They will need to enter their email address and select your organization from the drop down list.
This will generate an email message to you asking you to accept or deny their request. If for some reason you do not receive the email, you can accept/deny from the mentor/interviewers page which is accessible from the board member home page (see topic Managing Mentors/Interviewers in this tutorial).
Once a mentor is approved, they can login using Member Login Form.

Online Appraisals
The appraisals page lists all students currently listed as interns within your company. You can create, edit and print appraisals online for interns at any time by clicking on the icons next to their names. Upon submitting an appraisal, the data is saved in the database so you can retrieve it anytime to edit and/or print it.
Editing your Company Homepage
Each company gets its own page on the site containing the company logo, a brief description, and a link to the company website. As a board member, you can edit this info by clicking on the Company Homepage link from the Board Member Home page. Company pages can be accessed by the general public either from the homepage of the site or by clicking on Members in the Industry submenu.
Intern Document Search
To use the intern document repository, follow these steps:
Click on the Document Repository link on the board member home page.
Type in any part of the last name of an intern to retrieve appraisal, resume and application data for the student. Check the Yes radio button if you want your search to return former interns.
If there are one or more matching records, the intern's name(s) will appear as links on the results page. Click on an intern's name to view their data.

Intern Position Counts (available soon)
This is a tool designed to provide a real-time view of how many interns are going to be needed at each company. The form asks for firm and possible slots per discipline. Keeping your company's data accurate is critical in providing a reliable real-time allocation report.
Managing Mentors/Interviewers
This page has two functions:
Edit the status of mentors/interviewers. Possible statuses are:
Pending this is the default setting for a prospective new mentor once they have submitted a request to be a mentor but before they have been approved.
Current these people have access to the board member home page and most data within.
Inactive former mentors that are not currently active but that you may want to reactive in the future. No access to board members portion of the website.
Deleted No access to board members portion of the website and no longer listed on the Mentors/Interviewers page. If you accidentally delete someone and want to reactivate them, you will need to contact the MECOP office.
Assign interns to current mentors/interviewers.

By default board members can fill out an appraisal for any intern at their company. Other mentors/interviewers need to be

Resume Search by Company or Discipline
Placement reports can be accessed by clicking on Placement on the board member home page and then Placement Reports on the Placement page. The result of a placement report query is a list of all current interns in a given discipline or in a given company. Each intern is linked to his/her resume if it is available.
The subcommittee pages provide the following information on MECOP board subcommittees:
Meetings (when, where, agenda, relevant files, minutes, attendance report)
Action Items (owner, status, due date)

If logged in as a subcommittee chair, you will have a link to administer your subcommittee page. Here you will be able to add/delete members, meetings and action items.

We hope you enjoy using the new website.
If you have any questions regarding MECOP website policy, please contact at bonysst.blogspot.com
If you have any questions regarding technical issues with the website, please use the feedback form accessible from the Quicklinks menu.

15 Mei 2009

Updating the Annandale Bands website

a quick tutorial of HTML code.

By: Bony W Rakhman, SST

What is HTML and XHTML?
HTML and XHTML are markup languages used to display websites. XHTML is the newer version of HTML but both languages are similar. To avoid confusion in this document, both languages will simply be called HTML and no distinction will be made between the two.
To see HTML at work on the web, open a website and select "source" from one of your browser's pull-down menus. On Internet Explorer, this can be found under the "View" menu. The code for some webpages is a jumbled mess, but the code of the Annandale High School Bands webpage is made to be as comprehensible as possible for easy editing. The front page of the site is an exception because it is edited using blogger.com and not by editing the HTML manually. Editing the webpage will be clarified in the following chapters and the mysterious code that makes up the Internet will be revealed.
The website structure.
A website can be thought of as accessing a hard drive on a home computer. One can see the directory structure of a website by looking at a web address. For example:
http:// Stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Basically, it tells the computer the general place to look for the website.
www Stands for World Wide Web, and is another indicator for the computer to help it find the webpage on the Internet.
Bonysst.blogspot.com The website address. This can be thought of as the
harddrive or computer being accessed. The "org" means
that the site is a not for profit organization.
/awards/ This is a folder (also called a directory) on the site. Each new name after a slash mark signifies that the new folder is inside whatever name precedes it.
index.html The name of the file being accessed. A web browser will automatically display the index.html if no other filename is given.
There are eleven folders for the Annandale Bands website. These folders correspond to each of the links on the right-hand navigation of the webpage.
A single page on a website.
When a webpage is displayed, your web browser is interpreting and displaying a file that contains HTML. Use find "source" or "view source" in your browser's menu bar to see this code. In Internet Explorer this is under the "View" menu. Below is an example of the code on the Annandale High School Bands website with annotations. Remember: only the small amount of bold text should be edited.
Document type. Lets the web browser know what kind of code the site uses.

Page title, styling, and search engine information.

Annandale High School Bands

Annandale High School Bands header graphic

This is the main content section; it is the only part of the page that should be changed when an update is made. Only edit within the "Begin Content" and "End Content" comment tags that are shown in bold.


Baked ham and turkey sale coming soon!

Right-hand navigation, footer section, and end of HTML

General rules to follow when writing code.
Lowercase tags: all markup code, names of linked files, and folder names should be lowercase. This simplifies pages and is technically correct.
Backup files: keep a backup of the file you are editing. Edit a copy of the website on your computer before uploading to the web.
End all Tags: always end tags with their corresponding end tag equivalent. This lets the browser know when to end the formatting given by a tag. Example:


. In this example the

tag is the ending tag and is signifying the end of a paragraph.

Common Code in the Annandale Bands Website
Signifies a non-breaking space.

Website or Blog on WordPress.com

Website or Blog on WordPress.com
A Tutorial Prepared Bony W Rakhman, SST


A WordPress CMS website (or blog) is easy to use, provides an immediate internet presence, and is very cost effective. The system allows an administrator/s to easily manage a blog or website, while the general public can also contribute if they wish and only if their comments are manually 'approved' by the administrator.
What are the advantages of a WordPress Website or Blog?
A WordPress blog places your information in another sub-universe on the web the Blog-o-sphere. By using "Tags" (discussed in more detail later) for each of your 'posts' (articles), other people interested in your topic can find your information immediately and easily through other blogs and 'RSS feeds'. In this way, your posts may attract visitors who might not otherwise come across your website.
It also provides an easy-to-use system for updating and maintaining your website.
Blog Strategy
If you have both a website and a blog, always keep in mind your strategy for your blog. The goal is to provide interesting, up-to-date information on your blog and then deep link to your website.
If you are using your blog as a website, remember the most important thing about any web presence is to provide accurate, up-to-date information about your business or organisation.
Getting Started
For most of you reading this tutorial, your blog will already be set up at an address such as this:
This guide is a simple introduction to managing your WordPress (TM) website or blog.
Log in

To administer the site, go to:
Or simply click on the "log-in" link on the right side of your blog. And enter your user name and password:
Username: Password:
When you log-in you will see the home page of the site along with links at the top of the page:

Click on My Dashboard to manage the site.
If you have not logged out since your last session, you may not need to log-in when you re-visit the blog.

All you can do with your site is in the Dashboard. A history of edits is also shown on the Dashboard home
You would usually begin by writing a new Post or a Page (see detail under New Post below)
A Post is the traditional date-ordered entry, which is a useful way to present an evolving, event-centered
'blog'. WordPress also lets you create and edit static pages, and even organise them into a hierarchy.

Writing a new Post
After the initial set-up, the majority of your time will be spent writing "posts" or articles on your blog. This is the nuts & bolts of the blog.
1. Title, Text, Tags and Categories
Title: Start with a captivating, descriptive title.
Post: Your post can contain text, links and images. After you write your text, you can format it will italic,
bold, colors, bulleted lists, etc.
NOTE: It is NOT RECOMMENDED to copy & paste from Microsoft Word into the Post window, because
of the internal formatting of the Word Document.
Tags: This is where you want to put in succinct, descriptive words about your blog post, what we call 'keywords.' The idea is to use phrases that would attract people who you think will be interested in
reading the content of your blog.
Category: Your numerous posts can be displayed by categories, so this is a good way to keep things
organized. It also helps you to fine-tune your keyword phrases and ideas.
When you are finished writing you can "Save" the post, which will save it as a draft in your posts section, or you can "Publish" it, which will make it live on your blog.
2. Adding Links
Adding links to external websites is easy to do.

To add a link (hyperlink) to your text, simply highlight the text and click on the chain-link icon at the top of the window. Then type the link into the window (or copy & paste it from your browser). The link will start with "http://…"
Click Insert, then when you are done Save.
To remove the link from your text, highlight it then click the broken-link icon. 3. Adding& Formatting Images
There are two ways to add images to a post. You can link directly to an image that already exists on the web or you can upload one from your computer.
Option 1: To link to an existing image (for example, An image on your website) click the picture icon in the toolbar (see second diagram below).
Enter the location of the image: http://www.your-website.com/images/image1.jpg
Left - Image goes to left, text wraps to right.
Right - Image goes to right, text wraps to left.
Center Image is centered and text goes below.
Dimensions Not necessary unless you are re-sizing.
Image Description Use keywords!
Border Enter 1 for a thin border around your image, 2 for thicker border, etc.
Vertical & Horizontal space - This creates white space around the image before the text starts usually a
setting of 8 to 12 pixels is sufficient.

Option 2: Upload an image from your computer.
Click the 'Browse' button to navigate to the image on your computer. Enter a Title if you like (use those keywords again!), then click "Upload."
In the next window, select 'Full Size' and 'None."
Then click "Send to Editor."
Now you can click on that image in the Editor Window if you want to set alignment, border, or spacing.

4. A few more notes about images and advanced features:
All of the images you have uploaded can be viewed from the "Browse All" tab.
Videos and Slideshows can also be added to your blog.

12 Mei 2009

Web Hosting Gratisan By GeoCities

Setelah anda selesai mengerjakan website pribadi anda dalam komputer, anda pasti perlu tempat buat naruh website buatan anda dalam sebuah tempat sehingga website anda bisa dinikmati oleh banyak orang di seluruh penjuru dunia. Nah, tempat itu dapat kita sebut web hosting. Banyak sekali penyedia web hosting yang ada di sekitar kita, yang harus mbayar ataupun yang free. Search aja di Google buat nyari penyedia web hosting gratisan. Yakin deh, banyak penyedia web hosting gratisan yang akan muncul di layar search engine anda, baik yang support PHP & MySQL ataupun yang hanya support HTML saja. Penyedia jasa free web hosting yang cukup terkenal saat ini adalah GeoCities. Sayangnya GeoCities ini tidak support PHP & MySQL, sehingga untuk membuat sebuah web yang interaktif akan sulit sekali bila kita memakai GeoCities. Kali ini saya akan sedikit membahas tentang GeoCities ini, cukup lah buat latihan awal ngoprek web hosting gratisan :)

  1. Kalau anda punya account email di Yahoo, anda secara otomatis punya account juga di GeoCities. Bila anda sudah punya account di Yahoo, langsung aja isi Yahoo ID dan Password anda dalam form yang telah ada di halaman utama GeoCities, selanjutnya klik Sign in. Bila anda belum punya account email di Yahoo, klik aja Sign Up untuk mendaftar di GeoCities, pilih yang free saja. Anda secara otomatis punya account email juga di Yahoo. Selanjutnya anda akan menuju halaman GeoCities selanjutnya buat pendaftaran account di GeoCities.
  2. Isi form form yang ada dalam halaman pendaftaran account di GeoCities. First name, Last name, dan data data lainnya. Pilih Yahoo ID anda, pastikan Yahoo ID anda belum ada yang memiliki sebelumnya dengan menge-klik Check Availability of This ID. Bila sudah ada yang memiliki Yahoo ID yang sama, maka mau tak mau anda harus cari Yahoo ID lain untuk account anda di GeoCities. Kalo gak mau susah, pilih aja ID yang jumlah karakternya banyak, yakin deh account anda belum ada yang punya. Oh ya, akan ada form juga untuk ngisi alamat email alternatif anda. Alamat email alternatif ini digunakan untuk mengirimkan email buat aktivasi account anda. Lanjutkan ke langkah selanjutnya bila form anda telah terisi lengkap dan Yahoo ID yang anda pilih belum ada yang punya. Jangan lupakan satu hal penting selain nama account anda, password anda !
  3. Bila anda berhasil, akan ada pesan Registration Completed. Anda telah mendapat Yahoo ID sekaligus account di GeoCities sesuai dengan yang anda pilih. Account email anda di Yahoo : account_anda@yahoo.com. Untuk login ke Yahoo atau ke GeoCities, anda tinggal masukkan account anda ke dalam form user name, dan password anda dalam form password. Klik Continue to Yahoo GeoCities untuk berlanjut ke langkah selanjutnya.
  4. Anda akan memasuki halaman website seperti di bawah ini. Ada beberapa pertanyaan yang harus anda jawab. Pilih sesuai yang anda pikirkan, dan lanjutkan ke tahap seterusnya.
  5. Ada kata sambutan dari GeoCities buat anda, dan ada informasi mengenai account anda, berupa informasi Yahoo ID anda dan URL website anda nantinya. Web anda bisa diakses melalui URL http://www.geocities.com/account_anda. Klik Build your website now! untuk melanjutkan oprekan anda.
  6. Nah, siapkan diri anda buat ngupload file file yang anda buat. Ada beberapa menu yang ada, pilih manage.
  7. Pilih File Manager.
  8. Klik Open File Manager.
  9. Anda telah masuk halaman utama hosting web anda. Tampak ada 1 file bernama index.htm, sebagai default. Anda bisa mengganti file ini dengan halaman index yang telah anda buat. Tampak ada beberapa tab dalam halaman ini. Klik New untuk membuat file baru, Edit untuk mengubah file, Copy untuk mengcopy, Rename untuk memberi nama baru, dan Delete untuk menghapus file. Jangan lupa untuk memberi check list bila anda ingin mengeksekusi file anda. Klik Upload Files untuk mengupload file file yang ada di komputer anda.
  10. Klik browse untuk mencari letak file file anda.
  11. Cari letak file file anda, untuk contoh saya pilih file index.html. Setelah ketemu klik Open. Ulangi langkah ini untuk mencari file file lainnya.
  12. Bila semua file sudah tercantum dalam daftar file di bawah, klik Upload Files. Klik Add more files bila daftar file telah penuh.
  13. Bila berhasil, akan ada pesan Upload successfully. Kegagalan upload file biasanya karena ekstensi atau nama file anda bermasalah, ataupun ukuran file anda yang terlalu besar. Klik Upload More Files untuk upload file baru atau klik File Manager untuk masuk halaman utama.
  14. Kalau anda klik File Manager, anda akan temukan daftar file yang telah anda upload. Tampak dalam gambar, ada tambahan file index.html dalam daftar file anda.
  15. Anda dapat menambah direktori baru dengan mengklik tab New di bawah tulisan Subdirectories.
  16. Masukkan nama direktori baru anda, dan klik Create Subdirectory. Saya contohkan namanya images.
  17. Akan ada pesan Successfully created images bila berhasil membuat direktori baru. Direktori images akan ada dalam daftar file anda.
  18. Klik direktori images bila anda ingin menambahkan file baru dalam direktori images anda. Cara upload ke direktori ini tidak berbeda dengan cara sebelumnya. Klik Upload Files, trus browse file, dan seterusnya.
  19. Yah, begitulah secara garis besar langkah langkah untuk hosting file anda dalam GeoCities. Jangan lupa untuk Sign out bila semua file sudah anda upload ke GeoCities.
  20. Setelah Sign out, akan ada pesan You have signed out of the Yahoo! Network. Bila masih ada beberapa file yang ingin anda upload lagi, klik Return to Yahoo! GeoCities. Mudah kan ?

Cara VB connect to mySQL

Cara VB connect to mySQL

  1. Install vbnya
  2. Download mysql odbc-nya, install
  3. create database di mysql, misalnya infoonline
  4. use infoonline ==> create table mahasiswa
  5. masuk ke control panel, switch ke classic view aja.
  6. masuk ke Administrative Tools –> Data Source (ODBC)
  7. Di tag user DSN, klik Add
  8. pilih mysql odbc driver, –> klik finish
  9. akan tampil panel odbc connector, isi datasource name, misal ikhsanganteng, description (kosongin juga boleh),server(defaultnya localhost),User nya root, password (default kosong), pilih databasenya Klik Test… (success, connection was made) berarti telah sukses buat koneksi, klik ok
  10. Sekarang, masuk ke vbnya, klik menu project — > references — > pilih Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library dan Microsoft ActiveX Data Object RecordSet 2.8 Library
  11. Di project Explorer, tambahkan module, add module
  12. Isikan coding koneksi dan seleksi mahasiswa

Public con As New ADODB.Connection

Public rsmhs As New ADODB.Recordset

Public Sub konekdb()

Set con = New ADODB.Connection

‘ connection provider kalau ragu, ambil dari adodc,

‘build, isi bagian pada tag connection, isi datasource namenya,

‘pilih ikhsanganteng, ok, copy connection stringnya

con.Open “Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=ikhsanganteng”

con.CursorLocation = adUseClient

End Sub

Public Sub seleksimhs()

Set rsmhs = New ADODB.Recordset

rsmhs.Open “select * from mahasiswa”, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

End Sub


Kalau udah, di form, tambahkan komponen datagrid, double klik formnya

‘tambahkan coding berikut pada form_Load

Private Sub Form_Load()



Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rsmhs

End Sub


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